Individual Learners' Blogs

Tuesday 25 March 2014

From the Principal Week 8 Term 1 2014

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Friends,

Albert Einstein once said, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

At Mahurangi Christian School, it is our constant enquiry to try to see each child as an individual, and to better understand what makes that child ‘tick’ so that they can feel valued and so that we can better help them learn.

This is at times challenging, as I am sure you know as a parent. Having five children myself, I know how different children can be. And I know that, at times, it is difficult to see past the challenging behaviours and attitudes or learning struggles of each child at different times.

Many years ago, I was both inspired and challenged to hear someone show me so clearly that often the very things that we see as weaknesses or problems in a child are actually the flip side of a potential strength that God has given him or her.

The child who is bossy has leadership potential and is in the process of learning how to use her power appropriately. The child who is easily distracted might be very curious and have a desire to explore and learn. The child who is struggling to attend to minor details like spelling and punctuation might be fantastic at bigger picture conceptualising like coming up with a creative story.

Children are just like us. We have strengths and weaknesses. As adults, we hope that we have at least begun to learn that our main contribution in the world is not based on what we are NOT good at, but on what we are good at.  We hopefully learn as we grow to observe ourselves and our weaknesses, bad attitudes and behaviours and notice them and realise both that they don’t define us, AND that we can make positive changes with support.

Each child in our school is in process. As a staff we try to see them as individuals who are learning to become the person God created them to me. This is a bigger challenge for some children for others, and at some times in life than others.

However, we are committed to their growth, and to them beginning to see themselves as God sees them: valuable, loveable, uniquely special and g-r-o-w-i-n-g in maturity through the issues that arise.
I believe strongly in the power of Christian community in supporting and restoring each other in our times of weakness.

Thank you so much to those many parents in our school who share this commitment to help their children, and the children of other families in our school community, to celebrate strengths and grow through the difficulties that arise.

You inspire me, and encourage us as a staff.

Helen Pearson

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